...说,场外市场可以分为以下三类: (A)柜台市场(over the counter Market, OTC Market)——第二市场 也称店头市场。在柜台市场交易的证券,主要是按照法律规定公开发行而未 能在证券交易所上市...
otc market of financial derivatives 金融衍生商品场外市场
OTC over-the -counter market 市场外交易市场 ; 市场交际易市场
Gold OTC Market 黄金场外市场
the otc market 非处方药市场
otc market funds 场外交易市场基金
Brokers should play otc market 券商应发挥场外市场
OTC derivatives market 场外衍生品市场
OTC Derivative Market 场外衍生品市场
In the future,it needs to further improve the offer transfer system and to expand the scope as soon as possible in order to make the foundation for the national OTC market.
参考来源 - 中关村报价转让系统对中小企业促进作用研究——基于问卷调查和突变级数法Especially in recent two years, there has been a new bigger demand for OTC derivatives in China, which makes developing the OTC market become top priority of country's financial reforming.
参考来源 - 场外金融衍生品市场功能型监管研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet